Thursday, October 31, 2013


October is and has been my favorite month. My birthday is October 9th and fall is my favorite season. The leafs are changing color and falling and in between pumpkins, apples, and corn mazes, my heart is happier than a cat with catnip. But my favorite part of October is today, Halloween. I love haunted houses/corn mazes, I love dressing up, I love the history. Basically there is a lot I love about Halloween.

You know what I hate about Halloween though? When white people take it as a day to dress in ethnic costumes like in blackface, as Native Americans/American Indians, as "big kahunas". Two white college kids dressed up as Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman and Colorlines highlights eight ethnic costumes that have gone terribly wrong.

For the love of everything holy, don't dress in ethnic costumes ever. The Crimson can do a much better job describing why costumes are racist and a generally awful idea but basically, costumes are a way in which racial and cultural stereotypes continue to exist. (In all seriousness, look at The Crimson article. It does a fantastic job at looking at why ethnic costumes are awful.)

Also, can we stop slut shaming? Annie-Rose Strasser and Tara Culp-Ressler wrote a piece on Halloween slut shaming that highlights how to celebrate today without being sexist.

If you can't think of a costume, here are just some ideas for white people that I literally just spent three seconds on (I apologize, most will be nerdy...):

  • Dr. Horrible
  • Castiel, the nerd angel
  • Hipster (I mean really. Plaid flannel, big glasses, and a pretentious attitude is all you need. Bonus points for fair trade coffee in a mug with an obscure reference on it)
  • Batman
  • Superman
  • Anyone from The Breakfast Club
  • Pretty much like 90% of Harry Potter characters
  • Thor
  • Loki
  • Bruce Banner/Hulk
  • Captain America
  • Iron Man
  • Peter Pan or Wendy
So I lied. They're all nerdy. #SorryNotSorry

But you get the point. There are so many potential costumes out there that there is NO excuse or explanation for dressing up in a racist or sexist costumes (no hate for the sexy costumes though).

Okay end rant. Have a safe and not racist Halloween!