Monday, December 16, 2013

Queer Students at UP video

For one of my classes this past semester, I had to create a creative web project about a social inequality that exists. Because of the Redefine Purple Pride student movement last spring, I decided to highlight experiences from queer students at the University of Portland. I had done interviews of my friends and fellow queer and allied students in the spring and early fall of 2012 but even though it has been a year+, the culture and atmosphere hasn't changed a whole lot since then.

And like Fr. Beauchamp has repeatedly said, nothing has changed since the policy changed in September 2013. But the thing that has changed is that I feel more comfortable posting this video. I have been sitting on hours and hours of interviews of experiences but have felt uncomfortable and anxious sharing any of them. But here it is:

Queer Students at UP from Andrea Merrill on Vimeo.

These are just some of the stories that I have. Hopefully I'll be able to make more like this in the future!