Saturday, January 26, 2013

Race: Society versus Biology

In the US, having a single definition of race seems to be an action that is almost impossible. There is the notion that race comes from biological differences, which means that races are simply ways to physically categorize humans into different groups. These physical attributes can be visible characteristics, such as hair color and texture, skin color, and body shape, or genetic specifications from parents. However, genetic tests have shown that there is more genetic diversity and variation within certain “racial” categories than compared to other categories. (Marger, 2012). This suggests that defining race in just biological terms is not as simple as it might seem to be.
Ann Morning points out in her article that Weber had described race as “groupings of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities” (53, 2009). However, Morning also discusses the fact that defining race is not as simple as Weber or others have tried to describe. To truly define race, what should be considered? Should racial categories be focused on “surface physical characteristics… [and] reflect unobserved patterns of genetic difference?” (Morning, 51, 2009). How might ethnicity come into play with race? Should culture, history, and language also be considered when race is being defined?
Howard F. Taylor has argued that race can be a combination of any of the following characteristics: physical appearance (like skin color), social construction, ethnicity, racial formation, and self-determination (2009). These characteristics take into account the cultural, social, and biological traits that are often used to define race. Even with the multiple ways to define race, the term is often described as a socially constructed concept that has been used for generations to categorize people into a social order.  There are two claims that support the idea that race is socially constructed and the most focused on was the constructionist idea. This idea claims that “race is a product of particular historical circumstances and also that [race] is not rooted in biological difference – it only claims to be” (Morning, 54, 2009). Ultimately, many agree that simply defining race in just biological terms or in just social terms is an interesting debate.
One contemporary social phenomenon that shows how race is often viewed as a biological reality is infant mortality in the United States. Many organizations, including the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, track infant mortality rants in a given time period (typically a year) and with the finished data, there is usually a breakdown of the different rates for different races. Within the United States in 2007, the highest infant mortality rate belonged to American Indian or Alaska Native women and was around 4.5 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. Women who were African American (non-Hispanic) had the second largest rate that year, with 3.8 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. In contrast however, Asian or Pacific Islander mothers had the lowest infant mortality rate during the same year at 1.67 deaths per 1,000 live births. (Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2011).
Several health care issues, such as infant mortality, can be attributed to the fact that racial minorities within the US generally tend to “have a lower life expectancy than Whites… [and] … have considerably lower annual incomes relative to Whites. American minorities have less access to medical care” (Taylor, 44, 2009). Because of the lower access to care, the infant mortality rate can be then explained by this gap between those in the white majority and those in the racial minority. This can used to show that issues like infant mortality may seem to be different among races but in reality, the rates can be generally be explained due to societal reasons like socioeconomic status rather than biological traits. However, the relationship between infant mortality, racial categories, and socioeconomic status is correlational, but still societal. This means that while there is an obvious relationship between the three concepts, finding exact causality might be difficult.
Defining race is a constant struggle between biological traits (like skin color and hair texture) and social constructions (like income and power). However, many scientists argue that race is not a biological reality, as there have not been any biological traits to distinguish between races and there are more genetic variations between those of the same race than with those of different races. At the same time, there are plenty of aspects to consider while defining race, including physical traits like skin color, social class, ethnicity, language, and culture. One current event that shows the difference between the biological traits and social construction of race is the infant mortality rate within the US. Those within certain racial minorities tend to have higher rates but typically, those in racial minorities tend to have less access to health care. The correlation between typically less access and infant mortality rate means that the differences between races can be more societal rather than biological. Ultimately, defining race as a biological notion is not correct. There are many other aspects to consider with race and the social construction of the concept has had an interesting (and often negative) influence on people.

Works Cited
Marger, M. N. (2012). Race and Ethnic relations. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. (2011, October 14). Quickstats: Term Infant Mortality Rates, by Race/Ethnicity - United States 2008. Retrieved January 17, 2013, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention:
Morning, A. (2009). Race. In E. Higginbotham, & M. L. Andersen, Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape (pp. 51-55). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Taylor, H. F. (2009). Defining Race. In E. Higginbotham, & M. L. Andersen, Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape (pp. 44-50). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.