Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"But i guess the real question is this: What LGBTQ person (or ANY person, actually) in their right mind would be a Catholic anyway, let alone attend a school of such a persuasion and expect anything more than fairy tales and close-mindedness?

Let these people have their silly, little school and their delusional, discriminative beliefs. Let them have their pope and their "Amens". We have bigger fish to fry, IN THE REAL WORLD. I mean, what's Redefine Purple Pride's next mission going to be? To protest against the rule that bars atheists from becoming Catholic priests?" - Comment from the Portland Mercury article about Redefine Purple Pride.

Wow. That's offensive to everyone involved in this issue.

It's demeaning to people who are LGBTQ and attend the University of Portland because it says "hey, you're a crazy person for going to a religious school because like mainstream society, I think that it's not possible for there to be a religious and queer intersection." (Among other things.)

It's demeaning to people who are religious (especially Catholic) because it also says that you are a crazy person regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity for being Catholic. And calls Catholic beliefs as delusional. Personally, there are some Catholic beliefs that I do question but to be fair, I do that for most religions... And most people. I try to question beliefs of any nature because one, I want to understand where people come from and two, I've found that many people haven't questioned and challenged what they believe before.

It's offensive to students because guess what guys, according to this comment, our lives aren't the real world. Apparently school has this amazing ability to not be real? Oh and the whole "bigger fish to fry"? Seriously? This issue on campus is part of a BIGGER issue. Religion is seriously one of the biggest components of people's decisions when it comes to voting. This issue isn't just within the UP community. It's a larger societal issue. If that's not a big enough fish to fry, I don't know what else is.

And seriously? What does this comment accomplish? Good job commentor. You've stood up against the entire Catholic institution and their "delusional, discriminative beliefs" by writing and posting that comment on the internet. You get a cookie. (That was sarcasm.)

I do want to apologize if this post comes off bitter and a bit jaded. I'm all for having a conversation and open to criticism but when people call me crazy, I get a bit defensive. 

It's frustrating to be a part of this issue both on campus and in the Portland community and then have someone dismiss it as me being crazy and not in my right mind. 

Oh, and comments like that are why I never thought that I could never be religious and queer at the same time. Thanks for the panic attacks, dear commentor.