Friday, March 1, 2013

Where to go from here...?

EDIT: There have been several concerns brought up by Redefine Purple Pride members and I want to make it clear. The potential diversity program that I discuss below will be something that I will be working on separate from Redefine Purple Pride. This is not with Redefine. 

I made the bold edits because I want to be clear. My work from now on isn't with Redefine Purple Pride. I've spent several days thinking about this and the work I will be doing from now on will be coming from me. 

I want to say that I do support the work that Redefine Purple Pride is doing and I do think that it is important. So I really encourage students to continue supporting Redefine right now. While I call for student support, for right now, I will be taking a sideline on work. So fellow students and friends, right now, spend your time and effort supporting Redefine in the ways they need help with. I will be letting you know when I decide to continue work on a diversity program. I don't want this to cause any divisions in the group. 

I would love to hear if anyone is interesting in supporting a diversity program, as I will contact you when I need help. But until that time in the future, continue to work with Redefine Purple Pride in the ways that they need help.

The past two weeks have been incredible to say the least. I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions, from extreme highs to lows to indifference due to exhaustion. I met some really amazing people and got closer with those I already knew. And to be honest, I can't even begin to think about how many hugs I've gotten over the past couple of weeks, especially over the past 48 hours or so.

This morning I met with Fr. Beauchamp, which is something that I personally sought out after writing an open letter to him last week. I'm actually really thankful for meeting with him and I really look forward to working with the University of Portland administration in the next year and a half that I have left here.

We talked about a range of topics briefly, as the meeting was only about half an hour long. I just want to quickly explain what we discussed and if you end up reading this Fr. Bill, feel free to let me know if I missed anything or don't remember correctly. We talked about the Statement of Inclusion and the Non discrimination policy and how while not legally binding, the Statement of Inclusion is a covenant between the University of Portland and everyone in the UP community. For those who don't know a whole lot about the Catholic tradition, the word covenant means a lot. From what I understand of the word (and I am in no way a religious expert), covenant is a very serious word meaning promise. Thus, as Fr. Bill explained, the Statement of Inclusion was the university's way of seriously promising everyone in the community that they would stand by and not discriminate based on the characteristics listed.

I brought up the fact that while the statement has been a huge step forward and that I really do appreciate the work put into the school's Gay Straight Partnership, it didn't seem to me like the statement is actually being lived out in everyday life on campus. We discussed for a little bit about where the community needs to go and how there is a newly formed presidential advisory committee that would be working towards seeing what the different courses of action might be.

I brought up the possible idea of making a Green Dot like program for diversity and in one way, putting the issue of diversity and equality in the fore front of the community and making the idea of an all inclusive (of ALL pilots) and welcoming community. For me, this was the most positive moment of the entire meeting - Fr. Bill mentioned that this wouldn't be out of the question. 

The reason why I say that I look forward to working with the administration is for one main reason. Last Wednesday, a panel discussion that I helped to coordinate with a fellow GSP exec board member happened and a panellist brought up this quote: “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”. So while the past couple of weeks have been amazing and have accomplished a lot, in my personal opinion, it is time now to work together on this issue. For me, we won't continue to work forward if we don't work together in many ways and work in a respectable way.

So this is the direction that I will be working towards in the future: looking into creating a program (or potentially an existing program) that addresses the issues that exist on campus. I do think that work towards language in the non discrimination policy is valid, but for me personally, I need to think about the fact that I will be here for the next year and a half and that in my current position, I have the ability to help implement the current policies and whatever changes that may come. This is what I am personally going to be working one and this isn't to say that this is the only thing to be working on.

The only thing? I can't do this alone. I know that I've talked to many of my UP friends and it seems like many are behind of the idea of a diversity program. In the next couple of weeks, I will be approaching many friends to get support and help on this idea.

I know that I've taken a leadership role on this project in this post. But seriously? I can't do this alone. I need help and if anyone is interested in anyway, please please contact me. I can't know if you're behind this and I can't know if you want to be a part of this if you don't let me know.

My email:
Twitter: @hippielovetalks
I also have a mild addiction to Facebook.
If for some reason, none of those work, I also accept carrier pigeons.